Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Preparation for Securing Equity Finance

2:21 PM by miracle akushie · 0 comments

  Preparation for Securing Equity Finance 
The most important, as well as, basic part of obtaining equity finance is the preparation for securing equity finance. There are several steps of preparation for securing equity finance as well as important issues, that need to be looked at, in order for the preparation to be successful.

On Preparation for Securing Equity Finance

The process of preparation for securing equity finance involves a lot of planning on part of the entrepreneur who seeks equity finance to either start, run or expand a business. One of the most important parts of preparation for securing equity finance is a business plan. The business plans should be having the various details of the marketing plan as well as financial projections that have to be realistic.

 Steps of Preparation for Securing Equity Finance 

One of the most important steps of preparation for securing equity finance is to consult the business advisers so that the possibilities of mistakes could be eliminated. The companies that want equity finance should also do thorough research on the investors, who they feel, might invest in their company.

Important Issues of Preparation for Securing Equity Finance 

There are certain important issues of preparation for securing equity finance. One of the most basic issues in this case is that of the amount of funds necessary to start operations. The companies should also decide on the amount of control they want to have over their business and the time frame for the requirement of the funds.

       The companies that want equity finance have to keep these factors in mind when they are making their proposals. They should make sure that they highlight these aspects when they make the business proposals. There are also certain factors that the investors look for in businesses.

      They would look at the financial requirements of the new companies. The investors also need to judge if the enterprises of the companies are realistic enough and if these companies actually need external financial help. The modes and other details of repayment also need to be looked at. The skill levels of the management as well as monetary predictions and the possible usage of the investment needs to be highlighted as well.

Approaching Investors for Securing Equity Finance 

An important part of preparation for securing equity finance is approaching investors. There are certain things that have to be kept in mind while approaching the investors. For example, the company should see if the investor, whom they want to approach, is ready and willing in their business or not. They can also try out networking as that is a convenient way of approaching investors.



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